We are going to have a garage sale. Make that several garage sales, because we have too much stuff to put it all out for just one. Sad, I know. All the money we make is going towards the last bit of debt we have. Our goal is to be debt free as soon as possible, including our mortgage. Yep, you heard me correctly! We want to be free from all monetary bondage! And free to use the money we make however the Lord leads us to use it, to further His Kingdom.
I am really feeling motivated and I know it's from the Lord. I have been telling Him how I'm just sick and tired in the stuff lifestyle we are saturated in by this world. And I want to live so much more simply. I just feel so tired everyday. There is so much that I want to do but I just can't do it on my own. I want to be a good steward of all that He provides for us, including our income and the abundance that He gives us to give to help others and share the love of Jesus!
So this morning, I forewent {whoa, didn't know if that was a real word, but I guess it is!} my scheduled training work out and spent my energy deep cleaning and gutting out our bedrooms. It was such a great feeling to eliminate all the excess and finally have a place for each thing that we need and/or that we actually use {so long half used bottles of lotion from five years ago and crusty dried out nail polish!}.
I plan on using the rest of this week {and probably next week too} to eventually hit every single spot/corner/closet/drawer/storage container until I get rid of everything we don't need or use and everything that is left has a place. Today was bedrooms, tomorrow is living room and kitchen!
Oh, and I'm also planning on starting this challenge for myself tomorrow. I can't wait to get my devotion time back to, well devotion to my Jesus! Will you join us?