I have to fix a blooper I missed in my last post cause I feel really bad…
When my dad found out that we were pregnant he was extremely excited and so happy for us! I don’t think he cried, but I think that’s more of the mom’s thing ; ) Anyway, he is very happy to be a grandpa and can’t wait to meet the little one!
{love you dad
On another exciting note…
I think I felt the baby move today!! I was sitting at my desk at work and sitting toward the front of my chair and slouching over my keyboard {yes, I’m a sloucher…} so it was putting pressure on my lower abdomien and I felt this kind of tickling movement FROM THE INSIDE!!! Some say it’s a fluttering and I guess that sort of descripes it but not completely. I put my hand on my lower tummy and pressed in to try and feel it again and I did, ever so slightly! It was awesome!
It gives me new hope for the joy that is to come. I’ve been having a rough week this week and that’s the main reason for not posting anything new. Being sick is getting old and I figured I’ve ranted enough about it and it hasn’t helped any.
I just figured out today though {why I didn’t sooner I don’t know} but it comes in waves. There has been a clear pattern of having a few good days and then I have bad days. Instead of looking at it like the good days means it’s over and the bad days create a set back or loss of progress, I’m just going to realize that it will come and go. Then when it does come I can remember that those good days will come again and give me some relief!!
God is so good! He brings me hope in the midst of a struggle or challenge.
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