Sunday, December 30

A New Year Pinterest Challenge

So I've been thinking (uh oh!) about all the neat, interesting, fun, challenging, silly, creative, adventurous, practical, improving, educational, fill-in-the-blank ideas I have pinned on the infamous Pinterest.

Sometimes I get a creative itch or the need to organize something and instead of just creating or organizing something I sit down to the computer and start looking through countless pins.

I mean seriously.... my account says I have 1,535 pins! And my profile looks busier then my bulletin board hanging in my room in jr high (minus the picture of Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Lisa Frank stationary, am I right?!)

I know I have pinned sites and ideas with every intent to implament them. Some need specific resources, cost significant amounts of money and/or time but really, how many of them just need a little (maybe a lot) of effort?? I mean that's what it was created for in the first place, to inspire us to DO something!!

I'm not one for making resolutions, mostly because I can't commit to something I know I will fail at (365 days is a long time!) so in my world it's better to not even try...

BUT I really think it would be fun and challenging and exciting, not to mention productive to attempt to complete (at least) one pinned item per week. It doesn't have to be glamorous or extravagant (read: there are no gold medals at stake). It doesn't even have to be successful... Pinterest bloopers would be hilarious, I'm sure!

And as determined as I am to take on this challenge, I'd love to have you join me!! What do you say?? Ill post about my Pinterest experience for the week and then if you want to join the fun you can share about yours in the comments! Or blog about it and share the link.

It can be as easy as trying a recipe and share how it turned out, implementing an organizational tip, or totally creating a piece of art (did I hear DIY photo canvas, anyone??)!

I'm excited!! I'm going to make a DONE pin board to move my pins over once I've done or tried one. Then I'll share what I did back here on the ol' blog. First one will be this week!

Now, I'm off to pick an ALREADY pinned project to try!!

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