Erin O'Donnell/ Janna Long
You're a little piece of heaven
You're a golden ray of light
And I wish I could protect you
From the worries of this life
But if there's one thing I could tell you
It's no matter what you do
Hold to Jesus, He's holding onto you
The world will try to tell you
That might is more than right
And beauty's on the outside
And being good's a losing fight
But remember what I've told you
'Cause the world will make you choose
Hold to Jesus, He's holding on to you
Hold on to Jesus, and cling to His love
Rest deep in His mercy, whenever things get rough
And don't lose sight of His goodness
And don't ever doubt this truth
That when you hold to Jesus
He's holdin onto you, Yeah
Hear me dear Jesus
Rock this little one to sleep
Keep her close when she's scared
And give her grace when she is weak
I know she'll stumble, but I know she'll make it through
If you hold on to her, just like you said you'd do
Hold her Jesus so she'll hold on to you
These lyrics touch my heart so much. If I am able to communicate anything to my sweet, precious baby girl {she will always be my baby girl, even when she's a grown woman} it would be the message of this song.
I've blogged about struggling with fear before. I am a worrier by nature, God is redeeming that everyday more and more. But more than just fear in general I really struggle with fear in regards to my kids. It can be a paralyzing reality to think that I won't be able to protect my baby girl from all pain, evil and wicked thing in this big world.
There is one, and only one who can protect her and when bad things happen {and we all know that they will...} He will always be there for her to comfort her and to redeem all that is forsaken in this fallen world. Praise Jesus, that He is there for my baby, always. And that He is capable of keeping her from so much more than I ever will be able to keep her from.
So not only does this song bring comfort to me in my fears by reminding me that Jesus is holding my baby, even when I can't. It also reminds me that my deepest desire and job as her parent is to love her and point her to the only one who will always be there. And to cling to Him, no matter what.
I think I'll start practicing teaching her this by first doing so myself.
Brought tears to my eyes. I, too, struggle with that fear. You know that, we have talked about it when Layla was sick. Thank you for sharing that song and you heart with all of us! You are a wonderful Mommy!!
And now you have put into words, my dear sweet baby girl, what I have never been able to...I love you so much.
And now you have put into words, my dear sweet baby girl, what I have never been able to...I love you so much.
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