Tuesday, December 27

Christmas EVE 2011

We had an Ugly Christmas Sweater party at our house on Christmas eve! It was a blast, but apparently ugly Christmas sweaters are a hot commodity so they were hard for us to find. 

{Forgot the flash so it's really dark :( }
We had fun any way and the winning couple really took it all the way and it made for a fun evening. :)

Our friend and who the kids have named Pops came prepared with a fun game of live Angry Birds! Well, none of the game pieces were alive but there was a real sling shot, pigs and birds to launch.

The trophy for who ever could get all 3 pigs down with using just 3 birds.

We also played White Elephant with old 'stuff' from around the house! The most stolen item ended up being a potty training doll.... Every one brought a delicious Mexican dish to share and we just enjoyed being in the company of some very near and dear friends who are really more like family to us. :)

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