Sunday, March 10

God's Word is a Treasure: Day 2 & 3


We started our day making a treasure map from a paper sack that we will use to display our themes through out the year on. We added a bible for our first week, God's Word is a Treasure. And we sang our song for the week with Nana, our music teacher!

I had a wooden treasure box I got at Joann's awhile ago and we decorated it with markers and gluing jewels to the outside of it. We will keep all our school supplies for the year in the treasure box!

We had a snack of cheese {cut in thin slices} and crackers and made 'x's out of the cheese on the crackers. While we ate we talked about the sound that the letter 'x' makes.

After snack we went on adventure in search of rectangles, the shape of the week, all throughout the house! The kids used their binoculars they made, their flashlights and their magnifying glasses {I found those in the dollar bins at Target!}.

One thing I love about this program is that she includes practical and life skills to learn. So we headed to Evie's room and practiced making her bed. She just has a blanket right now but it's a good habit to get started on early!

We finished off the day reading Blueberries for Sal and then went outside to fill up our own pails! We didn't find any blueberries but there were rocks, sticks and sand to be played with! The weather was gorgeous.

Only two days in and I've already seen the fruits of this program. When we were outside Evie pointed out on her own that the design on the garage door was made up of rectangles. And while we were driving Evie saw two jet streams crossing paths on the sky that looked like an 'X'!


Today we started off with reviewing what we learned so far this week. We had music time with Nana.

After music we watched the first part of 'What's in the Bible?' DVD. I love these DVDs because I actually learn so much!

Next we played 'X' freeze with our music, dancing to the music and then when I stopped it the kids had to freeze making an 'X' with their bodies.

After our dance party the kids did a worksheet of writing x's inside a bigger x and then Evie cut out her x and glued it to a piece of construction paper. She'll do this for every letter.

Lastly, to finish off our third day, we read two books on sharing: 'Rainbow Fish' and 'Sharing Words.' We role played how to share and what to do if someone won't share.

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