Wednesday, January 28

Knock On Wood…

 surely don’t want to jinx anything… but I’ve been 8 days without even feeling nauseous!! Let alone throwing up! Food has started to sound good again and it definitely smells good!!
I say it’s starting to sound good because I think subconsciencously I don’t quite trust my stomache yet. Not 100%. But I’ve been able to eat atleast 2 full meals and snacks through out the day. Which is a vast improvement to on a good day only having about 1.5 full meals, on a bad day: fluids.
I have my 16wk check up on Friday {even though we are actually half way through 17wks!!} and I’ll find out if I’ve gained any weight since the last appt {which was when they had to send me in to get fluids cause I was so sick}. I had lost quite a bit of weight between that appt and the one prior to it.
It seems weird but I still don’t look pregnant really. Especially in my uniform at work. I think my co-workers are beginning to doubt that I’m really having a baby in less than 5 months!! Yesterday they were saying, ‘Katie’s going to have the world’s smallest baby!’ but I know they are just teasing. I hope it is a littler one {yes, I’m already having labor jitters!!}.
I know that the fact I’m not showing too much yet is a mixture of losing weight and that is just how my body is. Every woman is different. In my own time I’ll start showing and I can’t wait!
To all the mom’s out there, is it normal to have dreams about babies like EVERY night??! I’m not complaining, they aren’t bad dreams. I just almost expect to wake up and have my baby already here!!
Soon enough…

Saturday, January 24


I have to fix a blooper I missed in my last post cause I feel really bad…
When my dad found out that we were pregnant he was extremely excited and so happy for us! I don’t think he cried, but I think that’s more of the mom’s thing ; ) Anyway, he is very happy to be a grandpa and can’t wait to meet the little one!
{love you dad :) }
On another exciting note…
I think I felt the baby move today!! I was sitting at my desk at work and sitting toward the front of my chair and slouching over my keyboard {yes, I’m a sloucher…} so it was putting pressure on my lower abdomien and I felt this kind of tickling movement FROM THE INSIDE!!! Some say it’s a fluttering and I guess that sort of descripes it but not completely. I put my hand on my lower tummy and pressed in to try and feel it again and I did, ever so slightly! It was awesome!
It gives me new hope for the joy that is to come. I’ve been having a rough week this week and that’s the main reason for not posting anything new. Being sick is getting old and I figured I’ve ranted enough about it and it hasn’t helped any.
I just figured out today though {why I didn’t sooner I don’t know} but it comes in waves. There has been a clear pattern of having a few good days and then I have bad days. Instead of looking at it like the good days means it’s over and the bad days create a set back or loss of progress, I’m just going to realize that it will come and go. Then when it does come I can remember that those good days will come again and give me some relief!!
God is so good! He brings me hope in the midst of a struggle or challenge.

Thursday, January 15

Online Journal

I’ve been recording my weeks in an online journal that is prompted by questions. I thought I would share just a few of the interesting ones for fun! If there are any fun questions you might have feel free to ask me! Just leave them in my comments.
What were your parents’ reactions to the news?
My mom was at work when told her and she was so excited and almost started crying. My dad: Brandon’s Mom: She was so excited she almost couldn’t believe it and almost started crying!
What other emotions are you feeling: pride, hope, amazement, anticipation?
My mind seems to be going about 100 million miles an hour with thoughts and ideas! I want to start on the baby’s room and mostly just want to be further along than we are so I can actually feel pregnant!!
If you found out you are pregnant by taking a home pregnancy test (or two or three), did you save it, or take a picture of it? Where’s the evidence now?
So it’s been about 2 weeks since we’ve known we are pregnant and I still have the 2 pregnancy tests I took sitting my by bed side. I think I like them there because when I see them I can remind myself… YES! You really have pregnant!! It’s probably gross to hang on to them, but they have caps on them!!
Do you talk to the baby? What kinds of things do you say?
No not really. It just doesn’t feel real yet… Brandon sometimes does, mostly just teasing or messing around. He will kiss my belly A LOT!!
Is there anything you’ve had to give up while pregnant that you already miss, like sushi or beer?
Sushi for sure! It’s strange but I’m really wanting a ham and cheese sandwich! Like a sub sandwich from a local favorite sub shop of ours! But I can’t have any cold cuts :( I miss corn dogs too!
Do you already have a hunch about whether the baby is a boy or a girl? Has anyone else tried to guess?
I want to say I have a feeling its a girl… but no real reason why. Maybe just wishful thinking! But then I think a boy might be easier than a girl. LOTS of people have guessed. Most say a girl only cause I’ve been so sick… but considering this is my first I don’t have a lot to go off of yet. Maybe this is just how I am pregnant!
Have you thought at all about what the actual birth will be like? Do you have an idea of the kind of experience you want to have?
I have been very curious about what to expect at the birth. I know I’ll be so excited and so nervous at the same time! Anxious to meet our little one. But I’m afraid of the pain too. I know that I probably will have an epidural since it’s my first one, but we’ll see. I want it to be as natrual as possible.
What does it feel like to be nearing the end of your first trimester? Are you relieved?
I’m excited! It feels like I’m getting somewhere since we are almost past a big mile marker! I’m mostly excited for the thought that I might not be sick too much longer!! I’m relieved and anxious to see how I grow as the baby grows inside me :)
Are you and your partner already talking about how you’ll handle big parenting decisions down the line?
We have discussed it a lot more in recent times! It comes up when we are around other little ones and watching how different kids act and how the parents re act to them. We are in line and agreence for the most part.
What’s your comfiest outfit? Are you wearing maternity clothes yet?
A loose pair of sweets and a tank with a jacket or just a t-shirt. I have a pair of maternity pants and a couple of shirts. The shirts still look ridiculous on my cause my tummy isn’t that big yet. But the pants are so comfortable, more so than my regular pants, although they are a little big yet as well.
Have you been daydreaming about the baby already? Share your thoughts.
I’ve been day dreaming about the belly and when the baby is further along. Not so much when it’s born. I daydream about our house and imagine where the baby will play and spend most of it’s time playing. I imagine seeing it’s toys all over the place in the house!
What most surprises you about being pregnant?
That it goes by so slowly. And that it’s not always as fun as I always thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong! I’m not regreting it. I just imagined it would be easier at times… mostly I’m talking about the sickness and the seemingly involuntary vomiting from time to time.
Considering any prenatal tests (or taken some already)? Which one and why?
Nope. Our baby is a gift from God and how is creates this little one, we wouldn’t have it any other way. We know this baby will be a blessing to us no matter what!

Wednesday, January 7


Actually it started yesterday… when I was sick as a have ever been, throwing up around 5 times…
I couldn’t even keep down my own bile, let alone water…
We had our 12 wk appt today {even though we are technically 13 wks} and they took the normal urine sample. And let me tell you! Trying to pee in that cup was like trying to juice a turnip!! It wasn’t a huge surprise when the doc said I was pretty dehydrated!
By this point she knew I’d been sick cause when the nurse weighed me she said I’d actually lost weight since my last appt. That was a little shocking to me. I kinda thought I hadn’t really gained any but when she said that I’d actually lost a bit I knew it wasn’t good.
The doc recommended that I go to the ER and get fluids because I was so far behind at that point, it would be difficult at that point to rehydrate by myself {I would say the difficulty being in trying to even keep down water!}. Since then I’ve switched to gatorade most of the time and I got another perscription for my nausea drugs.
I guess I’m not over the sickness yet but I am sure looking forward to when I am!
In lighter news, we got to hear the baby’s heartbeat! 163bmp!! Healthy little booger!! The nurse said it best when she had found the heartbeat…
“So that’s what’s making you so sick!!”

Sunday, January 4

The Nursery

is in work!! I went out shopping for fabric and found the baby’s nursery color scheme! I bought the fabric to make the bumper and quilt!! Once I get those made, I’ll go back for the fabric to make the changing pad and some curtains.
I’m not sure if B is sold on the fabric I got yet… but I told him to wait and see what it looks like in the finished room and to just trust me!! He said he does… The colors are bright and I just love them!! I think a bright room is perfect for a baby and then in to toddler years! But I’m going to use a darker color (chocolate brown) which is in the fabric as well and will tie in quite nicely for the curtains so the room can be darker for sleep time!!
Already started stocking up on diapers and will continue with every pay check! We are also setting aside funds for big items we will need, but we will wait til after the baby shower to see what we need to purchase still.
By the way, my best friend and beautiful ‘sister’, Rachael, is going to be hosting my baby shower and she is just as excited it seems as I am! She tells everyone all the time ‘I’m going to be an Auntie!’ and I love it.
We have our third Dr.’s appt this week and hopefully will get to hear a heartbeat! We’ve seen it the last two appt’s but hearing it will be that much more real, I’m sure!!
The ‘morning sickness’ is mostly just night time sickness the last week or so. But I think I’m tracing it to the fact that the nights I’m most sick are the days I don’t get enough of a balanced diet through out the day. That is to say that I’m not eating much at all and when I do it’s actually quite healthy, but some days most food doesn’t even sound appetizing so I don’t eat much of anything and those nights I’m the sickest. So I’m doing my best to eat enough through out the day and I think I’ll be ok. Should only be another week or two {fingers crossed}!
I read somewhere that 56% of women who have a girl where more sick during the pregnancy…. Since I don’t have another to compare it to {maybe I’m just a sicky when it comes to pregnancy} I can’t really go 100% off of that… but there’s hope!


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