Sunday, December 14

Time For An Update.

We have been out of town for the last two weeks on a trip for work so I haven’t been able to post in that long!
The trip was good, got some training in, but we are so happy and glad to be back home. This year I am actually so excited for Christmas! Usually I am stressed out with shopping and I was pretty much always traveling this time of year. Maybe this year is different because we kind of skipped a Christmas last year being deployed of the season. And it could also be that this year we are setting our traditions and having the holiday the way we want it. I have a house to decorate and we are staying home for the holiday this year!
We got back into town yesterday afternoon and we both wanted to get our Christmas tree up right away! I’ve been feeling much better as I’ve found a routine that works and drugs to help manage the vomiting. So we out and found our tree at a local nursery. We were both so in the mood we decided to get a wreath for the door and another decoration, and cider!! We hurried home to get the tree in water and started stringing lights.
I’m still getting tired easily and some days its worse than others {although everyday I feel like I could lay down and sleep ALL day!} so we stopped after the lights and went to bed. We plan on finishing the tree this after noon and what better weather with some snow on the ground that appeared over night! The sun is shining now and it will proably all melt by this evening but I’m soaking in every minute of it!
It’s so cute while we are decorating we both stop to think now and then what it will be like next year and the years to come when we have little feet and little hands to help us bring in the Christmas spirit and it excites us both for the next chapter of our lives together!!

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