Tuesday, April 7

Have You Heard?

Some of you may have heard… and some of you may not have heard…
But we are going to be having a little GIRL!!
I know, I know, I KNOW! We said we were going to wait to find out. But we couldn’t!
The truth is we both pretty much knew it was going to be a girl and we decided to get it confirmed. We want our little baby girl to have a girly room and girly outfits when she finally comes!
We do have a name in mind and that will stay hush until she finally arrives! We are doing that because of course we have thought of names that we like, but we haven’t REALLY seen what she looks like and we both agree that when we see her face and look in to her eyes we will know what the right name is for her. So we’ll keep the name quiet until then because it won’t really be set until then.
Since we’ve known I’ve been trying to be really disciplined and not buy every adorable little dress or outfit that I see, but I did find a few cute things while I was out yesterday and I just couldn’t resist!
I’m SO excited to be having a girl and I’m already dreaming and looking forward to seeing who she will be and what she will become!

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