Thursday, May 27

I'm a believer!

And I love Jesus!

But this post isn't specifically about that : ] {Just felt like saying it.}

I am a new believer in these though:

I've seen these at the stores but never really paid too much attention to them. They are on the pricey side and I didn't want to risk the money if little lady wouldn't even eat them. Which we have has experience with lately. Especially the green stuff!

The last couple days she's been having digestive issues and has even been in pain and tears just trying to have a bowel movement. We've been trying different ways to get fiber into her diet, ways that she will eat with out a major melt down or fight. 

When I got the Babies'R'Us ad yesterday I was just flipping through out of curiosity and these caught my eye first of all because they have one that is just prunes. So far she won't drink anything but milk, even from a bottle, even though I try to offer it over and over again. So prune juice was out and she doesn't have enough teeth to really chew up a whole prune. I thought these were worth a shot! Being on sale, even better!!

When I got to the store I started looking at all of the options and these stuck out to me because they mix a fruit in with the veggies! Little lady LOVES fruit, I don't think we've found one she doesn't like. : ]
I thought this was genius and there is 3g of dietary fiber in one serving, compared to the prunes only having 1g.

So I grabbed only a couple so we could try them out. 

The next trait that brought me closer to love was that they come in these pouches with a twist top. Genius I tell you! Not only is it travel friendly but you can actually squeeze the amount desired right on to the spoon. That way if she decides she doesn't like it I haven't wasted a jar {since it's pretty much done once the spoon goes from food to mouth to food again} and if she's finished before the food is gone I just put the lid back on and put it in the fridge til next time!

Luckily, she loved it!!! She emptied the entire pouch! I'm hoping this will help her to be more regular and develop her taste and love for veggies in the meantime. : ]


Shannon said...

Those look so neat! I've never seen anything like that before. Well the squeezable fruit that Starbucks sells now but it's not baby food. Very neat!

Shannon said...

Those look so neat! I've never seen anything like that before. Well the squeezable fruit that Starbucks sells now but it's not baby food. Very neat!


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