Friday, July 2

The County Fair and a Beach Day

Part I: The County Fair

We took Little Lady to her first county fair... and it was in Southern California! I never would thought that would be the case. Stud Muffin and I both grew up mostly in the mid-west so I imagined taking her to the fair sometime out there. 

The first thing we did when we got there was find daddy a turkey leg! He was dying for one and he left a trail of drool all the way from the parking lot :D Little Lady enjoyed a little bit of it too, the little bit she could persuade daddy to share!

We also saw some animals and other booths. They also had a really neat pavilion that was all plants a flowers! Little Lady is our nature girl, she LOVES flowers, plants, trees - all of it!! So we ventured through there with her. It was not only gorgeous with vibrant colors, but it was a break from the smell of grease and from the crowds, we practically were the only ones in there!

Daddy found a photo-op and took come really cute pictures of our flower child ; p

{This was just moments before she reached out and ripped a petal off of these purple flowers...}

After we walked through the rides and had our fill of fatty deep-fried foods {Stud Muffin even ventured to enjoy a deep fried Snickers!} we headed home for the day!

Part II: A Beach Day

Yesterday we took little lady to the beach! It wasn't her first time to the beach. We took her the last time we came out to the west coast at Thanksgiving.

{Please excuse the quality of these photos as they were taken with my iPhone. We decided against taking our DSLR out in the sand but I couldn't bear to let the day go unrecorded!!}

It was overcast on the shore because of the marine layer that looms in most of June. It was cooler also. But we didn't let that stop us from enjoying the sand and waves!

Stud Muffin hit the waves and boogie boarded like a champ!

{He's such a stud!}

And Little Lady spent most of her time diggin' in the sand although she did venture down to the water and even enjoyed getting her feet wet! She is rarely timid or afraid of anything really, at least for very long!

She started out staying on the towel and checking the sand out from there...

And before long she was full fledged IN the sand, digging and playing! I had to keep telling her not to eat the sand and she had a tendency to want to put a pinch or two on her tongue. I must say I am looking forward to the day, with great anticipation, when she will not want to eat or taste EVERYTHING she can get her hands on!!!

She loves putting her head down and looking between her legs. I think I'm going to start teaching her how to do a somersault! ; D

She even helped daddy dig a hole in the sand. They are so cute together!

My two cuties!

Even though we took quite a bit of sand home with us and we didn't see much of the sun while on the beach, our beach day as a family was, in my opinion a success! 

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