Monday, February 1

The way, the truth and the life

He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. He is the keeper of creation and the Creator of all.

He is the architect of the universe and the manager of time. He always was, always is, and always will be.

Unmoved, unchanged, undefeated and never undone.

He was bruised, but brought healing. He was pierced, but eased pain. He was persecuted, but brought freedom.

He was dead and brings life. He has risen to bring power and He reigns to bring peace.

The world can't understand Him. Armies can't defeat Him. Schools can't explain Him. And leaders can't ignore Him.

Herod couldn't kill Him. Nero couldn't crush Him. The new age cannot replace Him and Oprah can not explain Him away.

Remind yourself that He is life. He is love. He is longevity. And He is Lord!

He is goodness, kindness, faithfulness and He is God.

He is holy and righteousness and powerful and He is pure. His ways are right. His word is eternal.

His will is unchanging and His mind is on us. He is our Savior, our guide, our peace, our joy, our comfort, our Lord and He rules our lives.

I serve Him because His bond is love. His yoke is easy. His burden is light and His goal for us is abundant life.

I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise, the power of the powerful, the ruler of all rulers, the Ancient of Days.

His goal is a relationship with me!

He'll never leave you, never forsake you, never mislead you, never forget you, never overlook you, and never cancel your appointment in His appointment book. NEVER!

When you fall, He'll lift you up.
When you fail, He'll forgive you.
When you're weak, He is strong.
When you're lost, He is your way.
When you're afraid, He is your courage.
When you stumble, He will steady you.
When you're hurt, He's going to heal you.
When you're broken, He will mend you.
When you're blind, He will lead you.
When you're hungry, He will feed you.
When you face trials, He is with you.
When you face persecution, He will shield you.
When you face problems, He will comfort you.
When you face loss, He will provide for you.
And when we* face death, He will carry us* all home to meet Him.

He is everything, for everybody, every where, every time and in every way.

*This reference is for those who have chosen to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. That choice is available to every single person.

I didn't right this. It was sent to me from a friend who got it out of a Beth Moore study. It moves me and leaves me speechless every time I read it. To think this is the God I serve, the ONE who loved me first and chose me before the beginning of time. Speechless.

As speechless as it leaves me to soak in who God really is, I can't help but be stirred up when I hear someone speak against the truth that is my God. And that is why I can't hold back from speaking about who He is. The truth must be said. It must be heard.

I believe that I am called to respect any and all authority placed over me. That is the order that God has put into place.

Everyone must submit himself to the government authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1

You won't hear me speak out against our president, who ever it may be at any given time. That is, I won't speak against His character or spread gossip. Neither will I wish harm on him or his family, as I wouldn't do for anyone.

But I can disagree with a person's choices or what they state on my behalf, representing me as an american.

The truth is there is no man on this earth that can be 'hope' for people. We are all human, we are all sinful, we will all disappoint and let others down. The only true hope for all mankind is through Jesus Christ.

He IS the only WAY, the TRUTH, and LIFE.

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