Wednesday, January 6

Snow flakes keep falling on my head

Not really. We are staying inside today!

I'm not exactly sure what the temperature is outside, but it looks cold with the snow flakes falling and wind a blowin' {a mirror contrast to the 48 deg and sunny weather we had yesterday}.

This isn't cupcakes 'First Snow' by any means, but it's the first time that I've taken her to the window and she was actually interested {more like in amazement!} and watched the flakes blow around. She would get so excited and take a deep breath {like she was gasping with surprise} and then 'tell' me how it was.

Yes, she is starting to 'talk'! She will actually say 'ma ma ma ma' over and over. {Of course I humor myself and reply 'Yes dear?'}

And she recognizes her name! This is the look I get when I call her name:

I also decided to pull out her high chair {a garage sale steal} and see how she fancied it...

She is still a little small for it, but I figure she can start getting used to sitting in it from time to time. :D


Anonymous said...

LOVE the outfit!! ;o) Love, Nana

Dad said...

I miss you guys so much. I thank you for your blog, it's great! Love ya, Opa

Dad said...

I miss you guys so much. I thank you for your blog, it's great! Love ya, Opa

Anonymous said...

LOVE the outfit!! ;o) Love, Nana


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