Tuesday, November 18

Symptoms So Far…

The nausea started a little bit last week. Off and on I would feel it but I could still eat and function. This morning, it was a different story. I felt like I was going to gag at every thought of food or eating. I managed to get to work and by the time I sat down at my desk I felt like I could vomit at any second! My wonderful husband is understanding and was able to drive me back home (the wonders of working together) and then go back to work.
I was able to keep down liquids and saltine crackers as well as a little tiny bit of chicken noodle soup. Other than that, the nausea just comes in waves. One minute I think I’m doing so much better and the next I’m holding my mouth shut and concentrating on keeping it down…
Despite the discomfort of feeling like vomiting all day, I have to say, I’m SO EXCITED to be feeling PREGNANT!!
What can I say, this is exciting!!!

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